Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Rothorn Kulm

Today we slept in a bit but Kelly was quick to make coffee and relax outside while looking at the fabulous views. Hartley took on breakfast duties and once he figured out how to cut up the bacon he was busy cooking. Sounds easy but it is a layered block of meat and a dull knife! He managed to do it and the breakfast was great!!

I went downstairs and donated our beef leftovers (there was plenty!) to Helga for their dog. The hound will be very happy I think!

Today our plan is to take the train up to Rothorn Kulm and see the sights from that side of the valley. Scattered cloud right now but we are hopefully that the trip will pay off. We also have some caches to grab up there as well.

We loaded up the car and headed into town and first, tried to buy a travel pass...sorry can't...  you need your passport for this. ... and you need to pay! Of course the passports are back at the B&B. Arghh!

Forgeting about the pass idea, we caught the 09:40 cog wheel train up to Rothorn Kulm. Initially it has great views but sadly just past the 3/4 mark, clouds enveloped the train and surrounding mountains.  On arrival at Rothorn Kulm we took some pictures of the train then set off for a geocache. It was like being inside a ping pong ball as visibility was 1/8 of a mile at best. We got the geocache after a 15 minute hike and also spotted a ram in the mist.

Kelly enjoying the cog wheel train ride up the mountain.

Lots of tunnels as we went up the 25% grade.

Looking back as we went up the mountain.

We stopped mid way for water... hey it's steam powered!

Leg stretch time!

These field had numerous cattle grazing in them... almost to the top!

Kelly at the top of Rothorn Kulm... and close to a Geocache:-) It's a good thing she could not see anything!
With no visibility we grabbed the train down to Brienz. It made a few stops on the way but we arrived safely at 12:25. It was a nice leisurely descent back to the town.

Kelly and the locomotive.

Nice views as we went down.

We walked the waterfront for a while and then lunched at the Hotel Sternen . We split up and cruised the shops. Kelly picked up some nik-nacks and then we all met at the co-op for dinner supplies. The trip to the Jungfrau Wednesday has been cancelled (we all agreed!) due to the rain & snow forecast. Just too much money to spend for a very narrow possibility of seeing anything.

Along the board walk...er gravel walk :-)

Lake front.

Looking towards Interlaken.
Beautiful Swiss architecture.
A nautical theme was most evident.
The fantastic carving was in one of several shops that lined the main street in Brienz.

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We took the groceries back to the farm/apartment and headed out for a drive. We went by a campground and toured the area. As we both have RV's back home we just wanted to compare... they are similar as we thought.

We drove back through Brienz and along the north side of the lake to Interlaken to check it out. We grabbed a few caches along the way as well. The rains started and we only spent 5 minutes in town driving around. We will be back tomorrow when the weather improves!

A quick trip back to our "home" in Brienz and on arrival we enjoyed another snack of meats and cheese and a beverage. It's a tough life!

Our Farm/apartment. We have the entire top floor to ourselves.

We will plan a new itinerary for tomorrow...  tonight. Castle visit anyone?

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